Thursday, October 10, 2013



In an age of increasing competition and sophistication, innovation and improved value is needed to manage major EPC Projects. Value, is defined as the ratio of function to cost. Value can therefore be increased by either improving the function or reducing the cost.Value Engineering is recognized worldwide as a highly profitable means to achieve reduction in cost and improved quality thereby resulting in higher client satisfaction. Value methodology is extensively used in Engineering, Procurement and Construction projects to optimize processes and engineering development. Benefits include decreasing costs, increasing profits, improved quality and performance, thereby enhancing owner satisfaction.

1.           What is Value Engineering?

Value Engineering (VE) is a creative, structured and organized approach to improve the performance at the least life cycle cost. It is an investigative and systematic methodology by an experienced, multi-disciplinary project management team to improve the "value" of projects, products and processes by use of the ˜examination of function and quality”. It analyzes and identifies the processes, design and construction plans of projects, and business and administrative processes and removes unnecessary expenditures and redundant processes resulting in an increase in the value. It helps achieve balance between required functions, performance, quality, safety, and scope with the cost and other resources necessary to accomplish those requirements. The proper balance results in the optimization in value for the project.

Value engineering is also referred to as “Value Improvement Practices” (VIP) or "value management" or "value methodology" (VM), or "value analysis" (VA) and is a body of knowledge as a technique in which the value of a system’s outputs is optimized by crafting a mix of function, quality and costs.

Mathematically, Value is the ratio of function plus quality to cost and can be increased by either improving the function and quality or reducing the cost.

V = (F+Q)/C where

V (Value) is the reliable performance of functions to meet project needs.
F (Function) is the specific work that a design or item must perform.
Q (Quality) is the owner’s needs, desires and expectations.
C (Cost) is the life cycle cost of the product or facility.

2.        Characteristics of Value Engineering:

 The Value Engineering can be characterized as a process that:
1)     IS a creative, structured and organized approach to optimize performance at the least Life     Cycle Cost (LCC)
2)      IS an investigative approach by a team of experienced, multi-disciplinary experts to               improve value?
3)       IS elimination or modification of functions that do not add value?
4)       IS a methodical approach producing better results?
5)       IS NOT a mere cost cutting exercise.
6)       IS NOT limited to only early design stages.
7)       DOES NOT result in a delay in project completion
8)       DOES NOT cost more than it is worth

Value Engineering is based on the following principles:

1)          Everyone is creative and all ideas should be evaluated
2)          Brain storming sessions generate more creative ideas than individuals
3)          There is always a room for improvement
4)            4)       Perfect Life Cycle Costs (LLC) should be as low as possible

3.       Value Engineering Methodology

Value engineering uses rational logic technique where an expert team raises “How” and “Why” questions and analyses the function to identify relationships that increase value. It uses brain storming sessions and focuses on hypothesis-conclusion approaches to test relationships.  The VE process produces better results when applied by a multi-disciplined team with experience and expertise relative to the type of project being evaluated. Following methodology is found to be quite effective for EPC projects:

1)       Team Preparation
Assemble a multi-disciplined team with experience and expertise relative to the type of project being evaluated. Following questions help in understanding the Team Preparation:

a)       Do we have representatives from all related disciplines in the team?
b)       Are group leads included in the team?
c)       Do we have representatives from outside of the project who can look outside the box?

2)       Gathering Information
Gather significant information to have a good understanding of the project. Following questions help in understanding the project:

a)       What is being done?
b)       Who is doing it?
c)       What could it do?
d)       What must it not do?

3)       Measurement
Analyze the project to determine the requirements. Questions similar to given below help:

a)       How will the alternatives be measured?
b)       What are the alternate ways of meeting requirements?
c)       What else can perform the desired function?

      4)       Analysis
Analyze the project to understand and clarify the required functions. Following questions help understand:

a)       What must be done?
b)       What does it cost?

      5)       Generation of ideas
Generate ideas on all possible alternatives to accomplish the required functions. Following questions help understand:

a)       What else could be done?
b)       Will another alternative work?

      6)       Evaluation
Evaluate and synthesize generated ideas and concepts to select feasible acts for development into specific value improvement. Following questions help:

a)       How much do we save in cost?
b)       Which alternatives will work better?
c)       Which Ideas are the best?

      7)       Development
Identify the best alternatives and ideas and prepare for improving value. Following questions help:

a)       What are the impacts?
b)       What is the cost?
c)       What is the performance?

      8)       Expansion of Ideas
Explore the developed Ideas to examine if some ideas could be further expanded.

      9)       Presentation
Compile the development results and present the value recommendation

     10)   Implementation
Implement the ideas.

4.   Potential Savings

VE exercises far exceed the investment in VGFE process. Savings in time, cost, and quality contribute to improving an organization’s competitive position. Though there are opportunities for improvement at all stages, but, in case of EPC projects, a stage comes beyond which the Value Engineering exercises even result in a loss.  

Potential savings from VE during the initial stages are found to be in the range of +2% to +7% of TIC. The chart illustrates the expected savings during different stages of the project execution. As represented in the chart, the VE efforts may even result in losses if undertaken at later stages of project execution. The stages vary from project to project, but generally speaking, the value engineering implemented on a project after the start of construction may result in a net loss.

The RED Line in the chart represents the savings in cost on account of the implementation of Value Engineering.
The BLUE Line in the chart represents the total cost incurred as a result of the implementation of Value Engineering.

 5.     Impact of Project Time on Cost

The Performance of a Project is judged from three important angles
1)       Project Schedule
2)       Project Cost
3)       Project Quality
There is usually a direct and very important relationship between these parameters where a change in one parameter impacts the other. The discussion here is limited to a relationship between the performance of schedule and cost of a project.

If the project schedule gets delayed, the original cost estimate or the project budget is almost certain to increase resulting in over-runs. The continuation of project always costs money every day whether working or non-working, weekday or weekend, from day one, right through the commissioning and start-up of the project. The cost goes up with time due to a number of reasons including:

1)     Payment to the work-force is time related any delay in time results in additional payments resulting in an increase in cost.

2)   The project overhead costs including management, administration, accommodation, services, and general facilities, need to be paid till the end of the project.

3)      Inflation and escalation costs are always time related.
  Therefore, when a project finishes later than the plan, it is likely to cost more on account of a rise in the cost of materials as well as salaries and wages.

4)      A delay in project completion also implies lower performance or inefficient working. This in turn results in higher project costs.

5)      Poor planning results in project delays and costs more on account of missing information, change orders, material shortages, etc.

6)      Increase ion man-hour expenditure due to poor performance directly increases the cost.

7)      Financing cost is another factor that goes with the time. Most of the finance raised for major projects, is likely to be invested for a longer time till the returns start.
All these time-cost considerations mean that any delay on a large project can easily cause additional costs and over-runs.

The chart below illustrates a typical time-cost relationship:

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